In Midtown Memphis, TN

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11/30 Dinner Groups   

  • Redeemer Memphis 651 Cooper Street Memphis, TN, 38104 United States (map)

On Thursday, Nov. 30th, adults are invited to join a dinner for 8 hosted by a Redeemer Member (so grab a babysitter!). All you have to do is RSVP by filling out the form at RedeemerMemphis.Org/SignUp and we will invite you to dinner with seven other Redeemerites at a host home. The hope is for you to get to know some RPC folks that you may not already know! The suggested donation is 10 dollars to help the host homes cover the cost of a prepared or purchased meal for 8. You can select on the form whether or not you are willing to be a host home for this event.  Hosts will be reimbursed the remaining costs by Redeemer!   

Earlier Event: November 26
Redeemer Sr. High Youth
Later Event: December 3
Sunday Worship Services