In Midtown Memphis, TN

Serve Our Neighbors

As Redeemer lives in the midst of this beautiful and hurting city, we dream of seeing her flourishing - in all aspects of life. One of the ways that we do that is through developing partnerships with organizations who are faithfully loving our city in ways we could not do on our own. As each one of these organizations seeks to adapt to the ever changing needs of a global pandemic, we want to be right there with them. Please consider how you or your community group could serve with and alongside these organizations in the coming weeks and months. We will update this website as more information becomes available.


Advance Memphis

Pray: Sign up for prayer letter


  • Annual Art for Jobs fundraiser is going virtual on September 24! Here is how you can help:

    • Host a party (socially distancing of course) to view the art online together and listen to a brief video about advance Memphis.  If interested, you need to sign up to be a host and they will send a host packet to you.

    • Donate Art (offering a 50/50 profit split this year)

  • Volunteers with expertise in graphic design/marketing needed to help with the Launch program

  • Future volunteers needed to help facilitate discussions in Work Life Class

  • Plastic face shields are available for purchase from their website

  • Click here for other volunteer opportunities

Give: Online giving available on their website.

Brooks Museum



  •  The Brooks offers Free School Tours to any public or private school groups that register in advance. These include a docent-led tour of the Brooks collection (focused on any area the teacher may select) and an art-making project in the Education studio. The Brooks Education team has created a Virtual Tour that students can do from home. It includes images of art and still ends with an instructor-led art-making activity, using everyday household items. In a typical year, Brooks tours reach more than 4,000 area students. We are hoping to approximate that number with virtual tours.

  • The Brooks partners with the Juvenile Intervention and Faith-based Follow-up (JIFF) program to offer an Art Therapy Access program for JIFF clients. Clients are repeat juvenile offenders who participate in a 16-week program as an alternative to incarceration. As part of the program, JIFF clients work with a Brooks Art Therapist to use art and art-making as a healthy outlet for emotion and self-expression. This fall, the program will take place virtually via video calls. JIFF will deliver and pick up an iPad to each client daily, and will drop off art supplies for that week’s activities. This is an intensive eight-week program that serves 10-15 JIFF clients annually.

  • In the spring, the Brooks presents the Mid-South Scholastic Art Awards. It’s the qualifying round for a national high school art competition. The museum collects nearly 3,000 entries from public and private schools in 50 nearby counties. These are juried by a panel of local experts, and winners stand to win scholarships and other prizes. Since the competition is held in the spring, we are hopeful that the in-person events can still take place, specifically the awards ceremonies and an exhibition of the winning artwork. But we will also be ready to shift online if necessary.


Christ Quest/Knowledge Quest



  • Sponsor a fresh produce food box for a family ($25).  They are covered through July.  Would love some sponsorships for mid-August through mid-November.

  • Help weed at the Green Leaf Farm!! They NEED volunteers (usually have had 500 by now and have had only 20 volunteers all year). It's a USDA organic farm, so be prepared for the hands-on weeding.


  • Click here for an up to date amazon wish list.

Levitt Shell




Memphis Teacher Residency




New ballet Ensemble




Room in the INN



  • Room in the Inn has partnered with Hospitality Hub to provide food and shelter to guests. You can sign up to pack lunches or breakfast for guests! Call Anita Adams with Hospitality Hub at 901-268-9205 to be added to the sign-up genius!


  • Click here for an up to date amazon wish list.

Multi-National Ministries


  • For us as we further develop a "virtual" program that we hope will still be able to meet the needs of our kids and allow them to thrive, even when we can't be together in person. 

  • For SCS and wise decisions from leadership (on all levels). Pray for the Latinx community, that is disproportionately affected by the virus. 

  • For word to get around and families/kids will sign up--we will have a few days of sign-up next week! Pray that we will have a clear vision of how to do programs and work diligently to carry it out.


  • Zoom reading time with Multinational kiddos! The schedule for this is still being hammered out but we'll spread updated info when we have it! Contact Laurie Graves ( and Devin Schniepp ( 


  • Click here for an up to date amazon wish list.

Overton Park Conservancy



  • Volunteer Trash Collection: Litter seems to be a growing issue around the park. If anyone wanted to spend an hour or so walking around and picking up litter, it would be appreciated. They would be glad to provide gloves / trash bags for the effort

    • If anyone volunteers please contact Andrew Weda( He can provide the trash bags / gloves if needed, but it also helps Overton to track volunteer hours in the park, which are down significantly


RUF(Washington University)


  • Stamina amidst a frequently changing environment

  • A new campus minister (Tim & wife Rachel) started in June

